Grace Pan ‘17

Board positions: Co-President (2015-2016)/Conference Co-Coordinator (2014-2015)


Grace is an intensive physics major who hails from the most biodiverse state in the US: California. She has spent many of her educational days in various condensed-matter physics laboratories, working on everything from building furnaces to taking milliKelvin temperature measurements in graphene to growing tiny oxide materials in giant bell jars. She was part of the conference coordinating team for the 2015 CUWiP meeting at Yale and now serves as an undergraduate representative in the Climate and Diversity Committee (the smaller and less virulent of the two CDCs, alas). When she’s not wrestling with physics, Grace the SNL junkie can be found hiking and birdwatching in the mountains, binding books, or writing poetry that should never see the light of day.

[Last updated on March 20, 2016]